
Liquidity and Investments

Designed around your unique needs, our products and solutions can propel your organisation further.
Maximise surplus cash and optimise interest earnings with a full range of global liquidity solutions.

At HSBC our Global Liquidity Solutions (GLS) help businesses manage their surplus cash across more than 50 markets around the world.

And now our product portfolio has a powerful new tool. Liquidity Investment Solutions (LIS) gives Corporate and Institutional clients the ability to invest and redeem their excess cash across an array of investment options, including a choice of asset managers. Once the client has defined their investment policy, including their risk and liquidity parameters, LIS executes their investments/redemptions accordingly with nominated money market funds of HSBC Global Asset Management Group, BlackRock, Goldman Sachs Asset Management and/or J.P. Morgan Asset Management.

Finally, we make sure all of our solutions are tailor made to suit individual business needs, locally, regionally and around the world.

Deposit Accounts

Supporting your core cash management activities including accounts receivable, payables and yield optimisation by using our Current, Savings, Term and Notice accounts.

Cash Concentration

Cash Concentration, also referred to as "sweeping" or "zero balancing" in the marketplace, is a service that executes a physical transfer of funds between two customer’s accounts, i.e. a sweep. This facilitates consolidation or centralization of balances for investment, deployment or loan repayment for organizations. Reduction in the organization’s need for external debt and lower borrowing costs by facilitating inter-company lending. Restoring of an account balance to a pre-determined level to align with the business’ operational processes.

Interest Enhancement

Improve credit interest rates with preferential pricing based on aggregated balances across your HSBC accounts in over 50 markets. On a single or multi-currency basis.

Notional Pooling

Notional Pooling is the notional offsetting of accounts on a single or multi currency and single or multi entity basis. As there is no physical movement of funds there is no co-mingling of funds between participating accounts. This reduces interest expenses by notionally offsetting debit and credit balances in the same currency. Notional offset achieved without the commingling of funds, i.e. avoiding intercompany lending – maintain account autonomy. Allows each subsidiary company to take advantage of a single, centralized liquidity position, while still retaining daily cash management privileges – with minimal administration.

Liquidity Investment Solutions

Liquidity Investment Solutions – Automated Investment Sweep enables clients to automatically sweep their cash into a range of money market funds based on their cash investment policy. This provides clients an operationally efficient way to set pre-defined investment parameters in order to meet their liquidity management objectives.

HSBC Liquidity Management - LMP Dashboard user journey

HSBC has created a Liquidity Management Dashboard, accessible via HSBCnet. This provides a dynamic and graphical view of Liquidity KPIs for Treasurers and is designed to help you manage overall liquidity positions and make effective investment and funding decisions.

HSBC Liquidity Management Portal explainer - Next Generation Services


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