

Designed around your unique needs, our products and solutions can propel your organisation further.
Adaptable Solution; Smart Execution

Where FX gets smarter

At HSBC, our FX algorithmic solutions combine the latest technology and analytics with the scale and liquidity of our global network. Offering you seamless execution, these solutions are customisable, adaptable and transparent across a suite of G10 and emerging market currency pairs.

By leveraging the breadth of HSBC’s liquidity network, emerging markets connections and FX expertise, these strategies could help you make your FX execution more efficient.

Discover how our algorithmic solutions can transform your execution.

HSBC’s FX algos in six points

Our algorithmic solutions are designed to help clients to:

  • Manage seamlessly their execution (ie choose the execution strategy that fits their risk profile).
  • Adapt their strategy as needed (ie intelligently adapt to different liquidity and volatility regimes).
  • Orders and execution is managed by AES which is a team fully segregated from the GFX eRisk, Sales and market-making activities.
  • Access HSBC’s network of liquidity: As a key FX market maker, HSBC also offers clients access to liquidity throughout most FX markets, across a suite of G10 and emerging market currency pairs.
  • Enhance risk management: our range of algos are based on advanced and sophisticated quantitative-based models.
  • Understand and optimise execution performance : our algos can assist users with their pre and post-trade analysis requirements, including Transaction Cost Analysis and various tools.

HSBC’s FX algos in six points

  • Manage seamlessly their execution (ie choose the execution strategy that fits their risk profile).

  • Access HSBC’s network of liquidity: As a key FX market maker, HSBC also offers clients access to liquidity throughout most FX markets, across a suite of G10 and emerging market currency pairs.

  • Adapt their strategy as needed (ie intelligently adapt to different liquidity and volatility regimes).

  • Enhance risk management: our range of algos are based on advanced and sophisticated quantitative-based models.

  • Orders and execution is managed by AES which is a team fully segregated from the GFX eRisk, Sales and market-making activities.

  • Understand and optimise execution performance : our algos can assist users with their pre and post-trade analysis requirements, including Transaction Cost Analysis and various tools.

At HSBC, our FX algorithmic solutions combine the latest technology and analytics with the scale and liquidity of our global network. Offering you seamless execution, these solutions are customisable, adaptable and transparent across a suite of G10 and emerging market currency pairs.

FX Global Intermediary Services

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