
Foreign Exchange

Designed around your unique needs, our products and solutions can propel your organisation further.
HSBC is one of the leading global Foreign Exchange (FX) market makers. Whether your execution needs are driven by a transactional, hedging or investment strategy, you can leverage our global footprint, local knowledge and deep expertise to gain insights and manage your exposure in a manner best aligned with your objectives.

Understanding what you value

We have a host of sound solutions, providing liquidity from the purely transactional to the highly customised. The Global Intermediary Services team provides risk management and tailored solutions such as FX Custody, FX Execution, FX Overlay, FX Prime Services and Transactional FX that allow clients to select and create individual propositions to suit their needs. Our array of strategic support is underpinned by market intelligence and research with global reach. As such, we intend to serve not only on price but also as a provider of choice in analysing FX risk, providing innovative research and insights.

Experience smarter execution

Executing transactions in a reliable, easy-to-navigate environment is key to helping you make the most of market opportunities and optimise your cross-border operations. Refresh your execution experience and take the complexity out of your day-to-day operations with HSBC Evolve, HSBC's award-winning intelligent and interactive platform. The depth of our liquidity, the strength of our balance sheet and our commitment to investment in technology enables us to deliver value across pricing, execution, post-trade services and client service.

Our Global Reach

Operating across all time zones, HSBC provides 24-hour coverage from our three main centres in London, New York and Hong Kong. We offer a deep and consistent pool of liquidity across FX instruments – through electronic, both bilateral and third party, and voice channels for FX cash and derivative solutions including spot, forward, NDF, swaps, vanilla and exotic options. Our experienced teams of derivatives specialists can help structure bespoke solutions for your specific requirements.

Our extensive experience in emerging markets reflects our commitment to the long-term development of domestic on-shore/off-shore markets and business in each region. HSBC maintains presence and knowledge in local economies combined with global solutions.

Committed to Good Practice

HSBC has signed an institution-wide Statement of Commitment to the FX Global Code ("the Code") which establishes a common set of guidelines to promote good practice in the Foreign Exchange market.

HSBC has actively contributed to the evolution of the FX Global Code since its inception, with senior management taking a leadership position in the BIS Market Participants Working Group. HSBC provided insight and expertise in drafting and reviewing the FX Global Code alongside peer firms, central banks and buy-side representatives. Since its publication, HSBC has continued to speak publically in support of the FX Global Code at industry events, contribute to industry wide surveys and provide input to consultations related to the Code.

HSBC believes that the Code sets out principles of good practice for the FX market – and promotes a robust, fair, liquid, open, and transparent market underpinned by high ethical standards.

HSBC is strongly committed to supporting and promoting adherence to the principles set out in the Code, having appropriately weaved the principles of the Code throughout the fabric of its FX business to align it closely with each of the Code's principles.

To outsource or not to outsource currency risk management?

Managing foreign exchange risk has become a major theme in the current market environment.

FX Global Intermediary Services

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For more information, please contact your HSBC representative.