
ETF Fair Value Execution Algorithm

Designed around your unique needs, our products and solutions can propel your organisation further.

We have taken innovation to the next level by creating an Exchange Traded Fund, Fair Value execution algorithm (ETFFV), which uses an ETF's fair value in determining and seeking on-exchange value and liquidity.

How does the ETFFV algorithm work?

We have taken innovation to the next level by creating an Exchange Traded Fund, Fair Value execution algorithm (ETFFV), which uses an ETF’s fair value in determining and seeking on-exchange value and liquidity.

How is the ETFFV algorithm used?

We have taken innovation to the next level by creating an Exchange Traded Fund, Fair Value execution algorithm (ETFFV), which uses an ETF’s fair value in determining and seeking on-exchange value and liquidity.


Successfully meeting global growth objectives hinges on making the best-informed decisions and optimising liquidity to future-proof your business.


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