

Designed around your unique needs, our products and solutions can propel your organisation further.
With over 150 years of experience and a global leader in precious metals, HSBC is your natural first point of contact when trading commodities.

Benefit from access to some of the world's most actively traded commodities with a globally connected, emerging markets-led bank.

When choosing HSBC, you’ll also have access to a dedicated relationship manager with global intelligence as well as local expertise.

In addition to providing risk management and hedging strategies, as well as customised financial solutions, your relationship manager will connect you to other specialists in the bank to facilitate a total financial solution.

Metals Global Reach

HSBC provides 24-hour sales and trading coverage from our main centres in London, New York, Hong Kong and China. With a primary focus in gold, silver, platinum, palladium and coverage in rhodium, HSBC is one of the world’s largest precious metals custodians.

Benefit from a full service franchise with four key offerings: trading, financing, vaulting and physical.

Look to HSBC to cover the full precious metals value chain– and in sectors ranging from investment, mining, industrial and jewellery.

Tap into our innovative research capabilities: our in-depth knowledge and coverage of the precious metals sector give our clients a clear insight into the dynamics of the market.

Committed to Good Practice

HSBC has signed an institution-wide Statement of Commitment to the Global Precious Metals Code ("the Code") which establishes a common set of guidelines to promote good practice in the wholesale precious metals market.

HSBC has actively contributed to the evolution of the Code since its inception, through our involvement in the London Bullion Market Association's Market Participants Working Group. HSBC provided insight and expertise in drafting and reviewing the Code alongside peer firms, central banks and buy-side representatives. Since its publication, HSBC has continued to speak publically in support of both the Global Precious Metals Code, as well as the FX Global Code, and at industry events and provide input to consultations related to them.

HSBC believes that the Code sets out principles of good practice for the precious metals market – and promotes a robust, fair, liquid, open, and transparent market underpinned by high ethical standards.

HSBC is strongly committed to supporting and promoting adherence to the principles set out in the Code, having appropriately weaved the principles of the Code throughout the fabric of its precious metals business.


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