
Cash Flow Forecasting

Designed around your unique needs, our products and solutions can propel your organisation further.
Explore how HSBC’s Cash flow forecasting service can help you to replace complex spreadsheets by streamlining forecasting process and provide advanced data analytics capabilities.

About Product

HSBC’s Cash Flow Forecasting service is a part of the Bank’s drive for digital innovation.

Accessed via HSBCnet, the Cash Flow Forecasting service can provide Treasurer with an accurate and timely forecast of their Global liquidity position, not just in the short-term basis, but as far forward as possible in future (up to 3 years).

The Dashboard provides an “at-a-glance” view of key performance indicators that a Treasurer may rely on to make decisions or to trigger more in-depth analysis of cash flow. Indicators such as Bank Account balances and Accounts Receivable collections for a forecast period provide a barometer of future liquidity.

Taking business line feeds via automated and manual input, the Cash Flow Forecasting tool is able to compile movements that might impact an organisation’s day to day cash position from present out to your chosen time horizon into the future.

The intelligent transaction mapping functionality available within platform allows client to define business rules and automatically group the bank transactions into different cash flow categories.

The platform includes a comprehensive suite of reporting tools which clients can utilise for cash-flow trend analysis and to compare the accuracy of their forecast

Customer stories

We have helped clients across diverse industries to streamline forecasting process with our full range of solutions suited to your requirements. Our experienced professionals are on hand to help.

Automating cash flow forecasting for greater efficiency and insight

With HSBC’s innovative cash flow forecasting platform, ServiceRocket has found greater efficiency, enhanced visibility and more confidence to make critical business decisions.

NEC gains faster and more accurate views of future cash flows with HSBC's Cash Flow Forecasting tool

NEC is a publicly-listed Japanese multinational company that provides IT solutions and technology services in over 120 markets globally.

Automation and efficiency boost in cash flow forecasting with real-time visibility

Saudi Chevron Phillips Company (SCP) is a 50/50 joint venture between Arabian Chevron Phillips Petrochemical Company Limited (a wholly owned subsidiary of Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LLC (CPChem) and Saudi Industrial Investment Group (SIIG), a Saudi listed Company.

KEO International streamlines cash flow forecasting with a "fit for purpose" solution

KEO International Consultants successfully implemented HSBC Cash Flow Forecasting for their accounts in the GCC and are realising multiple benefits.


Explore our industry insights and banking capabilities in a simpler way

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