
HSBC AI Markets

AI Markets delivers what you need, where and when you need it most using powerful AI.
AI Markets is an award-winning, digital services offering that uses purpose-built natural language processing (NLP) to enrich the way institutional investors interact with global markets.

Your trusted digital trading partner

  • Data

    Tap into HSBC’s proprietary cross-asset data, from real-time rates to a wide range of historical data
  • Analytics

    Enrich your views of the market with sophisticated trading signals, or run your own analytics using HSBC’s proprietary data
  • Insights

    Gain instant access to a library of content from HSBC Global Research, and our Sales and Trading teams
  • Execution

    Access HSBC’s global pools of liquidity, streamlined by NLP-driven execution
  • Automation

    Schedule common tasks to save time and reduce operational risk
  • Access

    Interact with AI Markets through web-based platforms, commercial chat channels or direct API
  • Premium

    Subscribe to on-demand risk simulations available on your custom trade portfolios

Enhance your perspective

Artificial Intelligence at HSBC

AI Markets has the capability to revolutionise how investors navigate the complexity of financial markets.

With a few keystrokes, the proprietary NLP engine allows users to generate bespoke financial market analytics, gain access to HSBC’s real-time and historic cross-asset data sets, and browse the latest market insights.

Access Global Liquidity

HSBC’s global footprint gives the bank unique access to liquidity and ongoing market developments. Combining this with data science and advanced NLP techniques, HSBC AI Markets delivers a powerful interface for investors to access real-time pricing and execution.

Whether your focus is FX, STIR, commodities, or EM rates, AI Markets empowers you to discover insights and act on decisions with speed and confidence.

Your Digital Trading Partner

Designed to be adaptable, collaborative and dynamic, AI Markets provides low time-to-market for bespoke solutions to your unique challenges.

By customising functionality or leveraging HSBC’s machine learning and data science experts, investors can find more efficient ways to do business – in order to save time and reduce cost.

Let our experts and AI do the heavy lifting.

  • Market Colour

    Generate real-time market updates in natural language showing you important market movements and notable trading themes

  • Pre-Trade Analytics

    Analyse currency markets for trading opportunities based on volume, volatility, and market depth, with customisable timeframes and historical comparisons

  • Relative Value Analytics

    Instantly compare predicted and actual price changes in the FX market to find potential trading opportunities

  • Vol Charting

    Quickly visualise historical spreads between different instruments or spreads of implied vs realised vs parametric volatility

  • STIR and FX Curves

    Chart HSBC pricing data for various FX and interest rate instruments, such as forward points, OIS rates, and basis curves, for tailored tenors and timeframes

  • Tradable Axes

    Get axes delivered directly from HSBC’s trading desk to yours, underpinned by easy-to-use syntax for faster execution


Explore our industry insights and banking capabilities in a simpler way

Need help?

For more information, please contact your HSBC representative.