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Redefining Treasury in Asia: Voices of Treasury Report

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In 2024, HSBC brought together treasurers and finance directors in Singapore, Hong Kong and Shanghai to share best practices and insights, and to learn from one another. At each of these events, treasury professionals were invited to discuss the themes that occupy their jobs today, and how they are expected to develop.

The result was a uniquely detailed insight into the views and concerns of over 1301 senior treasury and finance experts in Asia, with first-hand experience of their subject matter.

The Big Picture: Roles, rates and roiling geopolitics

  • Treasurers’ roles have expanded beyond traditional tasks and are expected to be enablers of growth.
  • While technology exists to assist them in growing their roles, management need to be convinced of the bottom-line benefits of additional investment. Now is a good time for treasurers to speak up.
  • Geopolitics and financial market volatility keep treasurers awake at night more than cybersecurity, system outages or bank failures.
  • Trade policies, both tariff and non-tariff, are evolving between major trading partners. This has an impact on treasurers.
  • This and financial volatility affect hedging costs and funding differentials, complicating the outlook for treasurers.
  • The high and fluctuating rate environment can make different currencies look attractive than normally. But everything will always depend on liquidity and the availability of affordable hedging.

The treasurer is no longer someone who is in a hidden corner on the seventh floor just doing liquidity reconciliation or payment. They must be a strategic partner.

Treasurer, Singapore

Technology and Treasury

  • For all the fanfare around artificial intelligence, the bulk of its use today is at the machine learning/robotic process automation end of the spectrum.
  • Treasurers hope AI will prove itself in more accurate cashflow forecasting.
  • In all cases, AI and automation still require a human check.
  • Embracing AI requires treasurers to get comfortable with data security – an issue that raises its head most frequently in mainland China.
  • Another challenge around AI is convincing management that it is sufficiently useful to bother investing in. Linking outcomes to KPIs will help.
  • Real-time treasury is a goal well worth pursuing – but it requires investment and effort to ensure the quality, cleanliness and governance of the underlying data.

We have to leverage technology and AI, and to bring that into the business, but from a corporate perspective there’s always a lot of red tape that we need to get through before we are able to adopt any form of that technology.

Treasurer, Singapore


  • Return on and reallocation of capital are the biggest priorities for treasurers today, ahead of growth into new markets, new technologies, dealing with industry changes and supply chain realignment.
  • Capital issues matter more in an environment of high and changing rates. Liquidity management is increasingly key.
  • Liquidity management – and cross-border pooling mechanisms – are making progress in mainland China, but documentation and regulation remain challenging.
  • Many treasurers want increased regional centralisation – not in place of global centralisation but to support it. Treasurers believe there is value in on-the-ground knowledge enabling them to be quick and nimble in a complex and highly diverse environment.
  • Cyberattacks are a threat, and for all that companies invest in firewalls and enterprise-wide technology, the greatest vulnerability is the individual. Training is the best defence.

With higher funding costs, capital has become scarce, necessitating more efficient cash operations.

Treasurer, Shanghai

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