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New reality in Asia financial landscape

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Asia’s financial landscape is reshaping with new technological adoption and a rise of wealth across the region. From digital assets to private assets, and from new connections to new economies, what are the emerging opportunities for financial institutions?

Learn more about the latest digital and wealth trends shaping the new reality in Asia’s financial landscape.

The new digital markets playbook

Fractionalisation, interoperability and regulation are driving digital opportunity for financial institutions in Asia.

Tokenisation is the future

Technology is broadening access to capital markets

But interoperability is essential

New digital capital markets platforms need to connect with each other and traditional financial infrastructure

And regulations are evolving

What’s next for financial institutions?

  • There’s no going back: By 2030, 5%-10% of all assets are expected to be digital⁷
  • Building digital infrastructure requires deep financial resources and long-term investment from financial institutions
  • Asian regulators will continue to take a progressive approach, creating a level playing field for digital markets

Asia’s rising wealth opportunity

As wealth grows in Asia, all investor segments are becoming more sophisticated, creating new opportunities for financial institutions.

Financial wealth in Asia has tripled since 2006 to nearly USD140 trillion1

What’s next for financial institutions?

  • Continued investment from financial institutions in bespoke solutions for different client segments
  • Growth opportunity as open-ended funds broaden access to private markets
  • Key structural trends will impact wealth management and investment choices, such as demographic trends and a historic intergenerational wealth transfer: an estimated USD2.5tn will pass to the next generation in Asia by 2030¹⁰

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