Market | Sub-Custodian Name | How Safe Custody Assets Registered | Asset Registration at CSD/Registrar (If applicable) | CSD Name |
Australia | HSBC Bank Australia Limited | Nominee's Names - Affiliate | HSBC Custody Nominees (Australia) Limited | Central Depository for Equities:ASX Settlement Pty Limited |
Australia | HSBC Bank Australia Limited | 3rd Party's Name | Austraclear | Central Depository for Fixed Income Securities:Austraclear |
Austria | HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt GmbH | Firm's Name | N/A | OEKB CSD GMBH |
Bahrain | HSBC Bank Middle East Limited - Bahrain | Client's Name | **Client Name** | Clearing, Settlement, Depository and Registry System of the Bahrain Bourse |
Bangladesh | The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation | Firm's Name | HSBC Bank plc A/C **Client Name** | The Central Depository Bangladesh Limited (CDBL)/Bangladesh Bank Market Infrastructure Module (Central Depository for Government Securities) |
Belgium | BNP Paribas SA
| Client’s Name | Registration does not exist as a concept in this market. Legal title of assets is held by the client | Euroclear Belgium or for FI - National Bank of Belgium Bonds
Brazil | Banco BNP Paribas Brasil S/A
| Client's Name
| **Client Name** | CBLC (operating under B3 organisation) or SELIC |
Brazil | Banco BNP Paribas Brasil S/A
| Client's Name
| **Client Name** | CETIP (operating under B3 organisation) |
Bulgaria | Unicredit Bulbank AD
| Client's Name | **Client Name** | Depository for Equities and Corporate Debt: Central Depository AD (CDAD). |
Bulgaria | Unicredit Bulbank AD
| 3rd Party's Name
| UniCredit Bulbank Sub-item Named ‘Government Securities Owned by Clients’
| Govt. Bonds: Bulgaria National Bank (BNB)
Canada | Royal Bank of Canada | Nominee's Name - Exchange
| CDS & Co Nominee Name
| Clearing & Depository Services Inc. (CDS)
Chile | Banco Santander Chile
| 3rd Party's Name
| Banco Santander - HSBC Bank plc London Clients
| Deposito Central de Valores S.A. (DCV)
China (Shanghai)
| HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited
| Client's Name
| **Client Name**
| China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited (CSDCC) - Shanghai Branch
China (Shenzhen)
| HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited
| Client's Name
| **Client Name**
| China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited (CSDCC) - Shenzhen Branch
China - Interbank Bond Mkt. in Beijing
| HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited
| Client's Name
| **Client Name**
| China Central Depository & Clearing Co. Ltd
China - Interbank Bond Mkt. Shanghai
| HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited
| Client's Name
| **Client Name**
| Shanghai Clearing House
| **Client Name**
| Deposito Central de Valores de Colombia (DCV)/CSD Name Deposito Centralizado de Valores de Colombia (DECEVAL)
Croatia | Privredna Bank Zagreb D D
| 3rd Party's Name
| PBZ D.D//HSBC Bank plc Client Assets
| Sredisnje Klirinsko Depozitarno Drustvo, d.d. (SKDD)
Cyprus | BNP Paribas SA, Athens Branch | Client's Name
| **Client Name**
| Central Securities Depository and Central Registry (CDCR)
Czech Republic
| Unicredit Bank Czech Republic A.S
| Firm’s Name | HSBC Bank plc | Centralni Depozitar Cennych Papiru a.s: Central Securities Depository Prague (CDCP)
| Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB (Publ) - Denmark
| Firm Name | Registered in the name of HSBC Bank plc | VP Securities
Egypt | HSBC Bank Egypt SAE
| Client's Name
| **Client Name**
| Misr for Central Clearing Depository & Registry (MCDR)/ Central Bank of Egypt (T-Bills only)
Estonia | AS SEB Pank, Estonia
| Firm's Name
| HSBC Bank plc
| NASDAQ CSD SE Estonian Branch
Euroclear | Euroclear Bank SA/NV
| Varies: typically a third-party nominee or a third party | Varies: typically a third-party nominee or a third party | Euroclear Bank SA/NV
Finland | Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB (Publ) - Finland
| 3rd Party's Name or client name
| Skandinaviska Enskilda Bankedn AB (PUBL) Helsinki Branch
| Euroclear Finland
| BNP Paribas Securities Services, France
| Firm's Name
| No Asset Registration at CSD level (Asset registration occurs at the issuing company only in the name of "HSBC Bank plc" as Registered Intermediary except stocks held in registered form where requested by the client
| Euroclear France
France | Caceis Bank
| Firm's Name
| No Asset Registration at CSD level (Asset registration occurs at the issuing company only in the name of "HSBC Bank plc" as Registered Intermediary except stocks held in registered form where requested by the client
| Euroclear France
| HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt GmbH
| Firm's Name
| Registered shares are in the name of HSBC Bank plc. Bearer stock is immobilised in a nominee a/c in the name of HSBC Trinkaus Und Burkhardt GmbH | Clearstream Banking AG, Frankfurt
Ghana | Stanbic Bank Ghana Limited
| Nominee's Name - 3rd Party or Firm's Name
| Standard Bank Nominees/HSBC Bank Plc re Client Name
| Central Securities Depository of Ghana Limited (CSD)
| BNP Paribas SA, Athens Branch | Client's Name
| **Client Name** | Securities listed on the Athens Exchange: Hellenic Central Securities Depository (HCSD or ATHEXCSD).
| BNP Paribas SA, Athens Branch | 3rd Party's Name
| **Client Name** | Greek Govt. Bonds - Bank of Greece Securities Settlement System - BOGS
Hong Kong
| The Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corp Ltd - HK
| Nominee's Name - Exchange
| HKSCC Nominees Limited
| For Securities listed on the HK stock exchange: Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited (HKSCC).
Hong Kong
| The Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corp Ltd - HK
| Nominee's Name - 3rd Party
| HSBC Nominees (Hong Kong) Limited
| Central MoneyMarkets Unit (CMU)
Hong Kong
| The Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corp Ltd - HK
| 3rd Party's Name
| Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited
| China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation
Limited Shanghai
For Northbound Shanghai stock exchange listed a shares
China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation
Limited Shenzhen
For Northbound Shenzhen stock exchange listed a shares |
Hong Kong
| The Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corp Ltd - HK
| 3rd Party's Name
| Hong Kong Monetary
Authority - CMU | China Central Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd (CCDC) / Shanghai
Clearing House (SHCH) |
Hungary | Unicredit Bank Hungary ZRT
| Firm's Name
| Unicredit Bank Hungary ZRT
Iceland | Landsbankinn HF
| Client's Name
| **Client Name**
| Nasdaq CSD Iceland hf (NCSD)
India | The Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corp Ltd - India
| Client's Name
| **Name of approved foreign portfolio investor**
| National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL) or Central Depository Services India Limited (CDSL).
India | The Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corp Ltd - India
| 3rd Party's Name
| The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited
| Govt. Securities - Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Public Debt Office (PDO)
Indonesia | PT Bank HSBC Indonesia
| Firm's Name
| HSBC Bank plc A/C **Client Name**
| PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia (KSEI).
Indonesia | PT Bank HSBC Indonesia
| 3rd Party's Name
| HSBC Indonesia Sub Registry
| Bank Indonesia (Central Depository for Govt. Securities)
Ireland | Euroclear Bank SA/NV
| Nominee's Name - 3rd Party
| Euroclear Nominee Limited
| Euroclear Bank SA/NV
Israel | Bank Leumi LE - Israel BM
| Nominee's Name - 3rd Party
| In nominee name. There are 3 nominee companies for equities and corporate bonds owned by one of the following banks: Bank Hapooalim Ltd, Israel Discount Bank Ltd or United Mizrahi Bank Ltd. All government bonds including makams are registered in the name of the Bank of Israel's nominee company | TASTECH (Tel Aviv Stock Exchange Clearing House Ltd)
Italy | BNP Paribas SA
| Client’s Name | Registration does not exist as a concept in this market. Legal title of assets is held by the client | Euronext Securities Milan
Japan | The Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation | Client Name Foreign Indirect Account Management Institution (FIAMI) or Nominee's Name - Firm (FIAMI Omnibus) or Firm's Name (non-FIAMI) | For Equities: Registered in Client's Name/GC's/Nominee’s Name (i.e. dependent if account opened in segregated or omnibus FIAMI or non-FIAMI status)
(In order for the shares to be registered in underlying clients’ name, shares should be held with an account opened under FIAMI status).
For Corporate Bonds and Convertible Bonds: N.A. as beneficial owner records are kept at the participant books under Japan’s book-entry system | The Japan Securities Depository Center Inc, (JASDEC) - Equities and Convertible Bonds. Bank of Japan (BOJ net) - JGB's
Kenya | Stanbic Bank Kenya Limited
| Nominee's Name - 3rd Party
| Stanbic Bank Nominees Account / Number / FC
| Central Depository & Settlement Corporation Limited (CDSC) for equities and corporate debt.
Kenya | Stanbic Bank Kenya Limited
| 3rd Party's Name
| Stanbic Bank Client Account/Number/FC
| Govt. debt - Central Bank of Kenya (CBK)
Kuwait | HSBC Bank Middle East Limited - Kuwait
| Client's Name
| **Client Name** | Kuwait Clearing Company (KCC) |
Kuwait | HSBC Bank Middle East Limited - Kuwait
| 3rd Party's Name
| HSBC Bank Middle East Limited
| Central Bank of Kuwait
Latvia | AS SEB Pank, Latvia
| 3rd Party's Name
| SEB Banka AS
Luxembourg | Clearstream Banking SA
| Nominee's Name - Exchange
| N/A
| LuxCSD |
Malaysia | HSBC Bank Malaysia Berhad
| Nominee's Name - Exchange
| Shares are registered in the name of "Bursa Depository Nominees Sdn Bhd"
| Bursa Malaysia Depository Sdn Bhd - Listed Securities.
Malaysia | HSBC Bank Malaysia Berhad
| Client's Name
| Ultimate Beneficiary Owner
| Bank Negara Malaysia - Govt. securities |
Mexico | HSBC Mexico, S.A
| 3rd Party's Name
| The CSD participant title is Banco S3 Mexico. Legal title of assets is held by HSBC Bank plc. Beneficial title is recognised as being held by the client | S.D.Indeval
Morocco | Citibank Maghreb S.A
| Client's Name
| **Client Name**
| Maroclear SA
Netherlands | BNP Paribas SA
| 3rd Party's Name
| BNP Paribas SA
| Euroclear Nederland
New Zealand
| The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited - New Zealand
| 3rd Party's Name
| The New Zealand Central Securities Depositary Limited (NZCSD)
| The New Zealand Central Securities Depository Limited (NZCSD)
Nigeria | Stanbic IBTC Bank Plc
| Nominee's Name - 3rd Party
| Stanbic IBTC Nominees Limited
| Central Securities Clearing System Limited (CSCS)/ Central Bank of Nigeria
Norway | Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB (Publ) - Norway
| Firm's Name
| HSBC Bank Plc
| The Norwegian Central Securities Depository (Verdipapirsentralen ASA - VPS)
Oman | HSBC Bank Oman S.A.O.G
| Client's Name
| **Client Name**
| Muscat Clearing & Depository (MCD)
Pakistan | Citibank NA
| Client's Name
| **Client Name**
| Central Depository Company of Pakistan Limited (CDC)
Pakistan | Citibank NA
| 3rd Party's Name
| CITI DEPO Client Sub Account
| State Bank of Pakistan (Central depository for Govt. securities)
Peru | Citibank Del Peru
| Client's Name
| **Client Name**
| Cavali ICLV S.A
Philippines | Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corp Ltd - Philippines
| Nominee's Name - 3rd Party
| “PCD Nominee” for equity and “PDTC Nominee” for Fixed Income Securities
| Equities and Corporate Fixed Income - Philippine Depository & Trust Corporation (PDTC).
Philippines | Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corp Ltd - Philippines
| 3rd Party's Name
| The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Ltd - Custody Account
| Govt Bonds - Central Depository: Bureau of Treasury (BTR)
Poland | Bank Polska Kasa Opieki S.A
| 3rd Party's Name
| N/A - Bearer
| Depository for all asset types excluding treasury bills: Krajowy Depozyt Papierow Wartosciowych SA (KDPW). Depository for treasury bills: National Bank of Poland (NBP)
Portugal | BNP Paribas SA
| 3rd Party's Name
| BNP Paribas SA
| Interbolsa |
Qatar | HSBC Bank Middle East Limited - Qatar
| Client's Name
| **Client Name**
| Qatar Central Securities Depository (QCSD)
Romania | Citibank Europe Plc, Dublin Romania Branch
| 3rd Party's Name
| Citi Clients Omnibus Account
| Depository for all government issued securities: The National Bank of Romania (NBR). Depository for all other Romanian instruments: Central Depository SA (CDSA)
Russia | AO Citibank
| 3rd Party's Name
| Registration of assets does not exist. Agent as the Nominee holder recognised in records of the NSD. Legal title for FNH accounts is determined according to the foreign law applicable to the Global Custodian, ultimately ‘the client’ in the books of HSBC. | National Settlement Depository (NSD)
Saudi Arabia
| HSBC Saudi Arabia Limited
| Client's Name
| **Client Name**
| Securities Depository Center (SDC)
Serbia | Unicredit Bank Srbija A.D
| Client's Name
| **Client Name**
| Central Securities Depository and Central Registry (CDCR)
Singapore | The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited - Singapore
| 3rd Party's Name
| The Central Depository (PTE) Ltd
| The Central Depository (PTE) Ltd (CDP) - listed on Singapore Stock Exchange/The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) for Singapore Government Securities
Slovenia | Unicredit Bank Slovenija D.D
| Client's Name
| **Client Name** | The Central Securities Clearing Corporation (KDD - Centralna Klirinsko Depotna Druzba)
Slovenia | Unicredit Bank Slovenija D.D
| Firm's Name
| HSBC Bank Plc Omnibus account
| The Central Securities Clearing Corporation (KDD - Centralna Klirinsko Depotna Druzba)
South Africa
| Standard Bank of South Africa Limited - South Africa
| Nominee's Name - 3rd Party
| Standard Bank Nominees (RF) (PTY) Ltd
| Strate Limited
South Korea
| The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited - South Korea
| Client’s Name | All assets held in IRC name (as per legal title) which denotes the underlying client | Korea Securities Depository (KSD)
Spain | BNP Paribas SA
| Firm's Name
| HSBC Bank plc
Sweden | Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB (Publ) - Sweden
| 3rd Party's Name
| Equities registered in the name of Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken as nominee. Fixed Income registered in the name of SEB for HSBC Bank plc or SEB for Client Name
| Euroclear Sweden
Switzerland | Credit Suisse (Switzerland) Ltd
| Client’s Name | Registration does not exist as a concept in this market. Legal title of assets is held by the client | SIX SIS Ltd
Taiwan | HSBC Bank (Taiwan) limited
| Client's Name
| **Client Name**
| The Taiwan Depository & Clearing Corporation (TDCC)/Bank of Taiwan/ Central Bank of the Republic of China (Taiwan)
Thailand | The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited - Thailand
| 3rd Party's Name
| Thailand Securities Depository Company Limited for Depositors
| Thailand Securities Depository Company Ltd (TSD)
Tunisia | Union Internationale de Banques, Tunisia
| Client's Name
| **Client Name**
| Tunisie Clearing
Turkey | Turk Ekonomi Bankasi Anonim Sirketi
| Client's Name
| **Client Name**
| Central Registry Agency Inc. (CRA). For Govt. Securities: Central Bank of Turkey (CBT)
UAE | HSBC Bank Middle East Limited - UAE
| Client's Name
| **Client Name** (Account/NIN Holder)
| The Dubai Financial Market (DFM)/Nasdaq Dubai/ADX CSD (Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange, Clearing, Settlement, Depository & Registry Department)
Uganda | Stanbic Bank Uganda Limited
| Client's Name
| **Client Name**
| Securities Central Depository (SCD)/Bank of Uganda (BOU)
UK | HSBC Bank Plc, UK (HBEU)
| Nominee's Name - Firm
| HSBC Global Custody Nominee (UK) Ltd
| Euroclear UK and Ireland Limited
| 3rd Party's Name
| Depository Trust Co (DTC)/ Federal Reserve System (FED) for FEDWIRE settlement
Vietnam | HSBC Bank (Vietnam) Ltd
| Client's Name
| In the name of the Securities Trading Code Holder
| Vietnam Securities Depository (VSD)
Zambia | Stanbic Bank Zambia Limited
| Nominee's name - 3rd Party
| Stanbic Bank Zambia Nominess - International/Stanbic Bank Zambia Nominees Ltd
| Lusaka Stock Exchange Central Securities Depository (LuSE CSD)/Bank of Zambia