EMIR Delegated Reporting Known issues

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As per the Delegated Reporting Agreement, it is the client’s responsibility to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the submitted Report and that you notify us if any information in the Report is not correct.

You may make your own arrangements at your own expense to access the DTCC trade repository to verify the information held by the DTCC trade repository against your own records for accuracy and completeness. HSBC will not be responsible for your costs in accessing that trade repository. For the reasons elaborated in other parts of this website, HSBC reserves the right to amend or correct a Report that has been made.

The file below is the list of known errors in the delegated trade reporting service potentially impacting the completeness and accuracy of reporting. Items listed in the file impact two percent or more of the delegated reporting trade population reported by HSBC. Please contact your HSBC representative to obtain the password that will allow you to access the summary of current known reporting issues.

HSBC EMIR Delegated Reporting Known issues (XLSX, 27KB)

HSBC is unable to provide you with regulatory advice and, as a result, you should ascertain, using such advice as you deem necessary, your own regulatory obligations, including whether you should be notifying your local regulator of any errors which may have a material impact on your trade reporting. Whilst HSBC is liaising with its relevant regulatory authorities regarding its own trade reporting obligations, this will not extend to your own trade reporting obligations.

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For more information, please contact your HSBC representative.